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Innovation & Commercialization

Student Internship Program

Since its beginning, the Office of Innovation & Commercialization (formerly known as the Office of Technology Transfer) Student Internship Program at The University of Alabama has provided participants with real-world exposure and experience in the technology transfer process of university-based research in multiple fields.

As interns, participants will assist licensing professionals in activities such as intellectual property protection, commercialization of innovations, business development, and transactional law. Interns will be exposed to up-and-coming technologies, participate in extensive training, and gain experience in technology, licensing, marketing, and industry research and assessment activities.

Interns selected for this year-long program start full-time during the summer and continue their part-time position in the following fall and spring semesters.

Information Sessions

Campus learning sessions for the internship program are typically conducted during the academic year. If you are a student interested in learning about the Student Internship Program, stay tuned to learn about future sessions or send us an email for more information.

How to Apply

Applications for the 2024-2025 cohort will be accepted starting in October 2023 and close in February 2024.

Learn More

If you have questions about the program or application process, please contact Jeff Capili, assistant licensing associate, at or (205) 348-0621, or contact Dr. Nghia Chiem, director of the Office for Innovation & Commercialization, at or (205) 348-5333.

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