Conflict of Interest

The mission of the Research Integrity and Conflicts of Interest Program (RICIP) is to ensure that the integrity of research is maintained during all phases of research (e.g., design, conduct and reporting), and preserve the public trust in the University while also promoting entrepreneurship among the research community.
As such, it is crucial for researchers to complete responsible conduct of research training and to realize that having a secondary financial interest in research is not illegal or unethical, as long as such interests are disclosed to the University and managed appropriately.
The purpose of the Conflicts of Interest Program is to assure that researchers are aware of our expectations for ethical research and to review and manage all potential financial conflicts of interest as well as personal conflicts of interest that have the potential to bias research.
General Inquiries
Emilee Belk, Research Integrity and Conflicts of Interest Program Lead
(205) 348-6749
Rose Administration Building, Suite 158