Biological Safety Program
The Biological Safety Program (BSP) oversees all University of Alabama (UA) research involving biohazardous materials, recombinant DNA/RNA, and synthetic nucleic acids. The BSP works closely with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the IACUC to ensure that UA researchers using these biological materials have the necessary approval and employ appropriate safety measures. The Biosafety Officer (BSO) has an extensive research background and is a voting member of the IBC. Our group also works closely with EHS to provide guidance on all matters related to biosafety, biosecurity, and compliance.
The UA BSP and the Office for Research Ethics & Compliance (OREC) are here to assist you with the necessary safeguards to safely conduct your experiments and comply with federal regulations and guidelines. Our goal is to mitigate the inherent risks associated with the laboratory setting. Our group is here to work on your behalf if the unexpected occurs.
The University of Alabama reviews the use of Risk Group 1 & 2 biohazardous agents. Please contact the BSO before proposing any research involving Risk Group 3 organisms or biohazards. The University reserves the right to impose additional terms and conditions on investigators who conduct research on or engage in teaching activities that involve microorganisms harmful to humans, animals, or the environment
General Inquiries
BSP Staff
Cindy Rodenburg, Biological Safety Officer
(205) 348-5941
152B Rose Administration BuildingErika Chapin, Protocol Analyst
(205) 348-2350
The Biological Safety Program will host virtual office hours from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on the first and third Friday of every month.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The NIH Office of Science Policy has issued an amended version of the NIH Guidelines (2024). Revisions include Gene Drive Modified Organisms (GDMO) and associated risk assessments. Changes go into effect September 30, 2024