Judging Criteria for URCA
1. Project Significance & Rationale
- Comprehensively places the question or objective within an appropriate scholarly context (scholarly literature, theory, model, previous research, genre, etc.);
- The project or performance clearly adds significantly to the chosen genre.
- Acknowledges the conceptual and methodological foundation provided by previous work.
2. Research Question or Creative Objective
- Explicitly states the research question or creative objective and uses effective scope.
- Explains why the research question or creative objective is important.
- The research question or creative objective follows logically from previous work.
3. Appropriate Methodologies
- Project uses methods (technique, form, or medium) appropriate for their field of study
- Clearly explains methods: links methods to the research questions or creative objective
- Acknowledges limitations of the methods and/or creative technique used.
4. Conclusions & Recommendations
- Evidence supports a mature, complex, and/or nuanced analysis of the gap in research; interpretation is explicitly linked to previous work.
- Findings or results addressed project question or goal with clarity, context, and objectivity; provided exceptional insight.
- Future recommendations based on findings are clearly articulated.
- Key takeaways from the project are clear and cohesive.
5. Effective Conference Presentation
- Presenter has chosen the most appropriate content or technique for their presentation.
- Visual display is well-organized and professional; materials are very engaging.
- Delivery techniques make the presentation compelling.
- Presentation or performance is of the highest quality. Presenter is well-rehearsed and prepared.
- Presenter responds to all questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.
- Presenter displays completely professional conduct and presence throughout the presentation/performance.