Proposal Development Process
Step 1: Develop Original Idea
- Review the literature and conduct bibliographic searches.
- Notify the department chair of your research interests.
- Identify faculty with similar research interests.
- Identify potential sources of funding.
Step 2: Complete Pre-Proposal Activities
- Review potential funding sources.
- Secure program applications and guideline material.
- Identify previously funded projects.
- Draft concept paper and rough budget estimate.
- Discuss idea with potential sponsors/program officers.
Step 3: Draft Formal Proposal
- Complete draft of proposal and ask colleagues to provide feedback.
- Complete separate applications to institutional committees (human subjects, animal care).
Step 4: Prepare and Submit Formal Proposal
- Complete final draft of proposal.
- Complete Internal Coordination Sheet and Conflict of Interest Statement.
- Deliver proposal to Office for Sponsored Programs for submission to potential sponsor.
- Be available for last-minute discussions with administrative personnel.
Step 5: Award or Declination Processing
- Be available for negotiation discussion and revision, if necessary.
- If funded, award will be established.
- If not funded, request peer review comments.
- Resubmit, if appropriate.