Limited Submissions
Limited Submissions Grant Application Process
Funding agencies (sponsors) may place limits on the number of letters of intent, pre-proposals, or proposals that any one university can submit in response to a funding opportunity announcement (commonly referred to as a Request for Proposals – RFP).
The Research ASSIST office consistently searches for limited submission opportunities that may be relevant to UA investigators. Those opportunities that have been identified by ASSIST are distributed weekly, via the Research News ListServ and also posted on the UA InfoReady Site.
Investigators are encouraged to sign up for the Research News ListServ to receive notifications of these opportunities and to visit the UA InfoReady Site to view and submit an internal application.
Missing Announcements
Despite the best efforts of ASSIST, not every funding opportunity may be identified. Investigators who wish to respond to a limited submission RFP that is not posted on the UA InfoReady Site or distributed via the Research News ListServ should notify ASSIST ( as early as possible so an internal selection process can be initiated. The email notification should include the UA Investigator’s name, opportunity title, opportunity announcement number, and a copy of or link to the program announcement. An Investigator should never assume they are the only individual applying. Failure to send this notification may result in the disqualification of an applicant for that competition.
The following process is designed to support an equitable review while preventing any disqualifications due to submissions from The University of Alabama beyond the allowed number.
Go to the UA InfoReady Site for the list of open competitions and to submit an internal pre-application. MyBama login will be required to access the full internal announcement and submission information.
Detailed instructions for pre-proposal application can be found in the InfoReady Applicant Guide.
Internal Procedures
If interested in submitting a proposal to a limited submission announcement, an internal pre-proposal application must be submitted through the UA InfoReady site by the due date and time assigned by ASSIST. The internal pre-proposal application should be responsive to the agency and/or the specific funding announcement. Applicants are encouraged to review the specific agency announcement prior to preparing their internal pre-proposal application to ensure all guidelines and requirements are addressed.
Review Committee
The strategy of the limited submission review process is to select the highest quality proposal(s) that have the potential to advance the research enterprise and enhance scholarship at The University of Alabama. The committee will be comprised of three to five reviewers including Associate Deans for Research, ORED administration, or other individuals deemed appropriate by the Vice President for Research & Economic Development or their designee.
Review Process
Committee members will individually review the internal pre-proposals based on their area of expertise and knowledge of the RFP. Reviewers will meet to discuss strengths and weaknesses for each internal pre-proposal, which will be shared with the VPR or their designee.
Once the committee has reached a consensus, they will advise the ASSIST office. ASSIST will communicate the results via email to all applicants and their respective ADRs and department heads. Successful applicants will be asked to confirm that they plan to proceed with submission of a full proposal. They will also be put in contact with the appropriate specialist in the Office for Sponsored Programs.
The above process will be followed for most internal limited submission applications. In situations where there is insufficient time to convene a committee, ASSIST may identify alternative procedures to ensure the greatest institutional flexibility and competitiveness.
Withdrawal of Applicant
If a selected applicant(s) withdraws their intent to submit a proposal, ASSIST reserves the right to offer the opportunity to another applicant who applied to the internal competition. Notification of withdrawal should occur as early as possible. Any applicant who withdraws with limited notice and without extreme extenuating circumstances may be considered a risk for future limited submission competitions and reviewers will be notified accordingly.
Internal Pre-Proposal Review Criteria
Internal pre-proposal reviews may include, but are not limited to, the following considerations:
- Does the project address the program objectives described in the solicitation?
- Does the project fit with the sponsor’s primary direction?
- Is the Investigator(s) qualified to conduct the proposed scope of work?
- Information regarding University of Alabama strategic considerations, or other information relevant to the selection process.