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Research Facilities & Instrumentation

Resources in the division provide researchers and students access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, technologies, and specialized scientific services.

Arts & Sciences

Analytical Geochemistry Lab

Director: Dr. Rona Donahoe

This lab houses an inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) and an inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for elemental analysis in a wide range of samples.

Atomic Absorbance Spectrometer

Director: Dr. Laura Busenlehner
Location: 3002 Shelby Hall

Atomic absorbance spectrometer capable of quantifying the concentration of specific elements based on the specific flame emission of the element.

Biolog Instrumentation

Director: Dr. Nicole Powell
Location: 101 James B. McMillan Building

Biolog machine (measures skin conductance and interbeat interval data)

BioPac Psychophysiology Systems and Brain Vision EEG Amplifiers

Director: Dr. Alexandra Tullett
Location: 416 Gordan Palmer Hall

Two BioPac psychophysiology systems and two Brain Vision EEG amplifiers (along with associated electrodes and batteries)

Bio Tek ELx50 Microplate Instrumentation

Director: Dr. Andrew Glenn
Location: 359B Gordan Palmer Hall

BioTek ELx50 Microplate strip washer, Microplate reader

Bio Tek Multiwell Plate Reader

Director: Dr. Marco Bonizzoni
Location: 2061 Shelby Hall

The BioTek multiwell plate reader can read absorbance or fluorescence intensity in standard 96-1500 multi-well plates.

Core Molecular Laboratory

Director: Dr. Janis O’Donnell
Location: 1355 South Engineering Research Center

Housed in the Department of Biological Sciences, the Core Molecular Laboratory is a shared facility housing aPackard Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Counter, Sorvall RC6 Centrifuge, Molecular Dynamics PhosPhor Imager, and various other benchtop equipment.

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Analytical Facility

Location: Shelby Hall

There are 200, 360, 500 and 600 MHz NMR spectrometers. Mass spectrometry facilities including gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer capability, Hewlett-Packard 5985-A and a VG AUTOSPEC double focusing mass spectrometer with GC and FAB inlets, VG Autospec mass spectrometer, vibrational and optical spectroscopy facilities including two FT-IR and a V-1000 Laser Raman spectrophotometer; 300 EPR, 350-U ENDOR, two 9.5 GHz ESRs, U-1000 Raman spectrometer, excimer and dye lasers, two ellipsometers, and an MCD spectrometer, imaging facilities including a scanning tunneling microscope, atomic force and magnetic force microscope, electrochemical and magnetic facilities including a Quantum Design MPMS2 SQUID magnetometer, a BAS-100 and two BAS CV-27 potentiostats with Hewlett- Packard X-Y recorders and a PAR-273 with model 96 poteniostat/galvanostats and equipment for inert atmosphere electrochemistry, and thermal analytical equipment including TGA/DSC, bomb calorimetry, and accelerated rate calorimetry.

Elga Purelabe Flex3 Water Deionizer

Director: Dr. Andrea Glenn
Location: 359B Gordan Palmer Hall

Elga Purelab Flex3 water deionizer

EPR Facility

Director: Dr. Michael Bowman

This 1,300-square-foot laboratory features four state-of-the-art research instruments: X-band/Q-band CW-EPR spectrometer: Varian E-12 EPR spectrometer with 9-GHz (X-band) and 35-GHz (Q-band) microwave bridges, rotating magnetic base, rapid scan accessories, a Varian Century series EPR system with 12 inch magnet. EPR data acquisition is provided by a PC (3 GHz running Windows XP) via the platform-independent data acquisition module (PIDAM) connected to the spectrometer. X-band CW-ENDOR spectrometer: A Bruker-ESP 300-10/7 with an ESP 350-U DICE ENDOR/TRIPLE accessory and an A-500 RF power amplifier allows CW ENDOR measurements in the 0.3–35 MHz frequency range at temperatures from 100 K up to 350 K. X-band pulsed-EPR spectrometer: Bruker ELEXSYS E-580 pulsed-EPR spectrometer includes the E-560D-pulse ENDOR and E-580-pulse ELDOR accessories. This allows us to operate echo-detected EPR, 2- and 3-pulse 1D ESEEM, 2D ESEEM (HYSCORE), pulsed ENDOR, pulsed ELDOR (DEER), inversion recovery and transient EPR at 9-10 GHz. We plan to add a TRIPLE accessory to the set-up soon. The X-band cavity has optical access and temperature of the cavity is maintained with a liquid-helium cryostat. W-band CW/pulsed EPR/ENDOR spectrometer: Bruker ELEXSYS E-600 W-band (94 GHz) EPR spectrometer was acquired in 2002, and was upgraded in 2005 with an ELEXSYS E-580 pulse EPR spectrometer. The combined system is known as an E-680 W/X. This instrument was obtained through NSF MRI (W-band CW-EPR system) and the CRIF (pulsed EPR) Instrumentation Programs. At 94 GHz we can perform echo-detected EPR, 2- and 3-pulse 1D ESEEM, inversion recovery, transient EPR, and pulsed ENDOR in the frequency range from 1.5 to 400 MHz. The temperature of the cavity is maintained with a liquid-helium cryostat, and in situ irradiation of the cavity is possible using a fiber optical cable run down through the sample rod. The E-680 W/X system is controlled through a Linux workstation with Xepr, the EPR acquisition and data manipulation software.

Eye-Tracking Equipment and Software from Applied Science Laboratories

Director: Dr. Beverly Roskos
Location: 179A Gordan Palmer Hall

Eye-tracking equipment and software from Applied Science Laboratories.

Geological Sciences Stable Isotope Lab

Directors: Drs. Paul Aharon and Fred Andrus
Location: Tom Bevill Energy, Mineral, and Materials Science Research Building

Geological Sciences X-Ray Diffraction and XRF Labs

Director: Jim Donahoe
Location: Tom Bevill Energy, Mineral, and Materials Science Research Building

This lab contains a Bruker D-8 XRD with autosampler, and a Phillips XRF.

Grinbath All-in-One EyeGuide Tracker

Director: Dr. Andrea Glenn
Location: 408 Gordan Palmer Hall

Hydrogeology Labs

Directors: Drs. Geoff Tick and Yuehan Lu
Location: Tom Bevill Energy, Mineral, and Materials Science Research Building

These labs contain the following tools primarily for the analysis of water: Accelerated Solvent Extractor Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer Gas Chromatograph (FID and Electron Capture Detectors), High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC), UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Fluorescence Spectrophotometer.

Infrared Spectroscopy

Director: Ken Belmore
Location: 2060 Shelby Hall

JASCO infrared spectrometer with reflectance attachment.

Johnson Molecular Systematics Laboratory

Director: Phil Harris
401A Mary Harmon Bryant Hall

Two ABI Genetic Analyzers, an Eppendorf Vacufuge Concentrator, several thermal cyclers and other support equipment.

Mass Spectrometry Facility

Director: Dr. Carolyn Cassady
Location: 1076 Shelby Hall

1,2) Magnetic sector instruments, a VG AutoSpec and a Waters Autospec NT. The VG instrument is equipped for electron ionization (EI) with solid probe insertion. The high-resolution Waters Autospec NT is equipped with an EI source, using GC (HP6890) inlet or solid probe insertion for sample introduction; it is capable of performing elemental analysis for small organic compounds.

3) Bruker Ultraflex time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) is used to vaporize and ionize samples, which are generally low-volatility compounds such as biomolecules, polymers, and inorganic materials. The mass spectrometer’s PSD (post-source decy) capabilities can be used to sequence biomolecules.

4,5) Bruker HCTUltra PTM discovery system connected to an Agilent 1200 capillary LC — a spherical high-capacity quadrupole ion trap. The HCTUltra PTM instrument has electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and nanoelectrospray sources. The MS/MS techniques of collision-induced dissociation (CID) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) are available for obtaining structural information (including peptide sequencing).

6) Services offered by our mass-spec facility include the following: EI-MS: low resolution, nominal mass accuracy; high resolution, with internal reference (typically PFK), 5 ppm accuracy; or small volatile organic compounds (<1000 Da). GC-MS: high resolution, with internal reference (typically PFK), 5 ppm accuracy; for small volatile organic compounds (<1000 Da); house GC capillary column: DB-5, 29m´250mm´0.5mm. MALDI-MS: linear TOF, low resolution, <150 ppm external clibration, <100 ppm for internal calibration; reflector TOF, high resolution, <25 ppm external calibration, <5 ppm internal calibration; wide applications including biomolecules, polymers, aromatic compound, and inorganic material. ESI, APCI, nanoESI-MS: low resolution, mass error within 0.2 Da; for small molecules (>50 Da) or macromolecules (m/z of the multiply charged ions <3000 Da); wide applications including biomolecules, organics, and polymers. LC-MS: low resolution, mass error within 0.2 Da; house capillary LC column: Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18, 150´0.5 mm, 5mm; mostly used for peptides.

MindWare Tech Mobile Hear Rate Monitors with Nodus Observer Software

Director: Dr. Kristina McDonald
Location: 277A Gordan Palmer Hall

MindWare tech mobile heart rate monitors with Noldus Observer software.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility

Director: Dr. Ken Belmore
Location: 1058 Shelby Hall

Bruker spectrometers operating at 600, 500, and 360 MHz. Our NMR instruments are capable of observing all magnetic nuclei between 103Rh and 1H, and current applications involve the more common 1H, 2H, 13C, 15N, 17O, 19F and 31P nuclides as well as studies of 11B, 23Na, 27Al, 29Si, 75As, 77Se, 125Te and 205Tl nuclides. The instruments are configured to employ pulse-sequences for multi-dimensional NMR experiments. The facility is maintained by a full-time PhD spectroscopist, Dr. Ken Belmore, who is available for consultation and assistance.

Optical Analysis Facility

Director: Dr. Janis O’Donnell
Location: 1306 Science and Engineering Complex

The Optical Analysis Facility (OAF) is a central service laboratory within in the Department of Biological Sciences. The OAF specializes in electron and light microscopy of biological samples and soft materials. The facility provides equipment, assistance, and training for faculty, staff and students in the Department of Biological Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences and The University of Alabama who wish to use microscopy in their research and/or teaching activities. In addition, the facility is available to other State of Alabama agencies and private companies on a consulting basis.
The facility is equipped with a Hitachi 7650 Transmission Electron Microscope, Hitachi SU3500 Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope, Scanning Laser Confocal Microscope, Leica RM2135 microtome, histology embedding and staining equipment, Leica EM UC6 ultramicrotome, CO2 equipped Denton DCP-1 critical point dryer, Anatech Hummer 6.6 sputtering system for metals and carbon, Nikon Eclipse TE2000-u fluorescent microscope equipped with a Zyla Camera, various compound and stereoscopes microscopes equipped with digital cameras, and supporting ancillary equipment.

Organic Analysis Lab

Director: Robert Findlay

Instruments include a Delta V Advantage Mass Spectrometer, Agilent Gas Chromatograph Systems, and a LabConco Cascade Freeze-Dry System.

Rock Preparation Facilities

Director: Jim Donahoe
Location: Tom Bevill Building

The Department of Geological Sciences has multiple variable-speed diamond wafering saws, automatic and manual polishing systems, a wire saw, several large-scale rock saws, physical and chemical mineral separation equipment, and other related sample preparation instruments and systems.

Simulation Lab

Director: Glenn Davis
Location: Druid City Hospital (DCH)

In collaboration with DCH, our Division of EMS Training has several multifunction manikins in simulated care facilities to mimic real-world events.  These have been used for research purposes such as reaction time, effects of sleep deprivation on quality of care, etc.

Translational Research for Injury Prevention (TRIP) Laboratory

Director: Despina Stavrinos
Location: Northeast Medical Building

The Translational Research for Injury Prevention (TRIP) Laboratory strives to help the nation achieve a significant reduction in the rate of transportation-related deaths, injuries, and resulting disabilities, particularly in the southeastern United States. We are committed to gaining a better understanding of the psychological aspects of transportation-related injury through multi-disciplinary research and translating those findings to the practice of injury prevention and control. This understanding is gained from research involving the Lab’s state-of-the-art, fully immersive Mercedes AMG GLE 63 SUV driving simulator.

UV/Vis/NIR Spectrometer

Director: Dr. John Vincent
Location: 3042 Shelby Hall

Carey 14 spectrophotometer capable of obtaining absorption spectra from the UV (200 nm) through the near IR (1400 nm).

W-Ray Diffraction Laboratory

Director: Dr. Robin D. Rogers

Siemens CCD SMART (Area Detector) and Enraf-Nonius CAD-4 computer-controlled X-ray diffractometers.


Statistics Research and Consulting Lab (SRCL)

Director: Dr. Jason Parton

Communication & Information Sciences

Child Media Lab

Director: Dr. Kim Bissell
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

The Child Media Lab within the Institute for Communication & Information Research is an engaging space for researchers to observe, interact, and study the reactions and responses of children to various forms of media. The space offers gaming equipment, monitors, desktop computers, room to move, and a view from our high-end observation room, allowing kids to engage in research studies while being viewed from the one-way mirror in the observation room.

Content Analysis Lab

Director: Dr. Kim Bissell
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

The Content Analysis Lab within the Institute for Communication & Information Research allows researchers the opportunity to record and store live television content for later use in content analysis or for educational demonstrative purposes. This space and corresponding technology are located within the Public Opinion Lab.

Focus Group Lab

Director: Dr. Kim Bissell
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

The Focus Group Lab within the Institute for Communication & Information Research offers researchers the chance to develop, learn, and grow their initiatives through a centralized location. Featuring a conference room-style table, individuals can gather and discuss certain ideas and concepts in a casual and comfortable way. With special cameras and access to our high-end observation room, scholars can understand and develop their research through the input of others. The focus group lab is functional for very small groups or groups up to 12 people. The ICIR also offers focus group facilitators if needed.

Health Communications Lab

Director: Dr. Kim Bissell
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

This Communication & Information Sciences lab utilizes the research facilities associated with the Institute for Communication & Information Research including the Child Media Lab, the Psychophysiology Lab, the Content Analysis Lab, and the Survey Lab. The lab teams faculty and student researchers are interested in examining the intersection of media, communication, and health.

Psychophysiology Lab

Director: Dr. Kim Bissell
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

The Psychophysiology Lab within the Institute for Communication & Information Research allows scholars to study physiological responses to mediated content through our advanced technological equipment. Located within the Focus Group Lab, individuals utilizing this lab can also have access to our high-end observation room. This lab allows for the collection of EEG and skin conductance data for one individual at a time. This lab is technologically innovative and unique to research labs serve mass communication and communication scholars.

Public Opinion Lab

Director: Dr. Jameson Hayes
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

The Public Opinion Lab (POL) within the Institute for Communication & Information Research is an innovative space for gathering and exploring social media conversations, analyzing engagement, and identifying insights. With a mix of industry technology and academic tools, the POL is a space for scholars and students to do cutting-edge research in the social space.

Theater Lab

Director: Dr. Kim Bissell
Location: Reese Phifer Hall

The Theater Lab within the Institute for Communication & Information Research is a lecture-style space with 24 desk space that allows researchers to distribute content, speak with participants, and display media on a larger scale for more participant viewing and engagement. This space can be used for the ICIR’s portable continuous response equipment or for town hall-type settings.

Community Health Sciences

Center for Convergent Biosciences and Medicine

Director: Ravi Kumar
Location: AIME 

CCBM Labs are equipped with state-of-the art instrumentation comprising more than 5,000 square feet of laboratory space located on the second floor of the AIME building, including a Histology suite. 

Electronic Health Record Center

Director: Amy Sherwood

The University Medical Center operates an Electronic Health Record.  Access to this database is possible for appropriate and approved activities when collaborating with College of Community Health Science Faculty.

Telemedicine Equipment

Director: Dr. Lloyd Wilimson
Location: University Medical Center

The College of Community Health Science currently operates several telemedicine units that connect to current rural partners and are capable of connecting with others.   Clinical care and research activities are currently being conducted with individuals and groups using this equipment.


Exercise Physiology Laboratory

Director: Jonathan Wingo
Location: Moore Hall

Primary research areas include human performance and work capacity in challenging environments, such as hot climates, and the impact of clothing on human temperature regulation; control of human temperature regulation; recovery from exercise; impact of physical activity on health and disease; measurement of physical activity in humans; and sport performance. In addition to research endeavors, The Department of Kinesiology Fitness Testing Services program provides citizens of Tuscaloosa and the surrounding areas the opportunity to better understand their fitness levels as they relate to overall physical performance and health.


3D Printing Laboratory

Director: Dr. Andrew Graettinger
Location: Hardaway Hall

The 3D Printing Laboratory at The University of Alabama is open to all students, faculty, and staff who have 3D printing needs related to university activities. The laboratory supports campus users in the areas of solid modeling, scanning of objects, and printing of parts. The laboratory is equipped with, and supports, software packages, including AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and many freeware modeling packages. Lab also has an Artec handheld scanner and access to a desktop MakerBot Digitizer as well as a Leica ScanStation to capture building scale objects.

The primary mission of the 3D Printing Laboratory is to turn digital solid models into physical parts. The lab currently has six printers including a Stratasys Dimension 1200es, an Objet 30 Pro, a 3D Systems 460 plus and a Spectrum 510 full-color powder printer, a desktop MakerBot Replicator2, and desktop Bits from Bytes 3D touch.

The 3D Printing Laboratory is staffed by student workers during normal business hours.

Advanced Composite Materials Laboratory

Location: North Engineering Research Center

The Advanced Composite Materials Laboratory includes facilities for manufacturing, characterization, and modeling of advanced composites and nanostructured materials. Compression molding hot press, filament winder, pultrusion equipment, single and twin-screw extruders and resin infusion vacuum pumps are available for manufacturing thermoset, thermoplastic and nanocomposites film, plates, and structural components as well as nanostructured aerogels for thermal insulation applications.

Nanoparticle dispersion equipment such as ultrasonic bath, tip sonication and mechanical high shear mixer are also available for processing polymer nanocomposites. Fracture analysis and microstructural studies are carried out using available optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopes as well as x-ray diffraction in the Central Analytical Facility. An in-house FEA code (NOVA-3D) for predicting the long-term environmental durability of polymer and polymer composites is also available.

Advanced Materials Testing Laboratory

Director: Dr. Mark Barkey and Dr. Mark Weaver

Features multiple servo-hydraulic testing frames ranging in load capacity from 50 lbs to 250,000 lbs. The equipment is capable of fatigue testing materials and small structures in axial tension/compression, multiaxial tension-torsion, and combined bending and torsion. Related equipment includes an induction coil heating unit for thermo-mechanical fatigue, a high-temperature isothermal furnace, and a moderate-temperature isothermal test chamber for material testing. The Mechanical Testing Laboratory in the North Engineering Research Center contains a full suite of electromechanical and servohydraulic load frames capable of load capacities ranging from 100 to 10,000 kN at temperatures up to 1600°C. The lab also houses a Gleeble 1600 thermomechanical simulator, split Hopkinson bar, and a full nano- and micro-mechanical test lab with indentation and wear test capabilities.

Alabama Analytical Research Center

Director: Dr. Greg Thompson
Location: Tom Bevill Energy, Mineral, and Materials Science Research Building

The Alabama Analytical Research Center is a shared user facility. It houses major instruments for use by research groups, either from UA and other institutions across the Southeast. It trains students to be productive, hands-on users of the instruments. The major instruments include Cameca LEAP 5000 atom probe, Apreo FEG source scanning electron microscope, JEOL 7000 FEG source scanning electron microscope, JEOL 8600 electron microprobe, FEI Tecnai F-20 transmission electron microscope, FEI Quanta 3D dual beam FIB, Tescan FEG source dual-beam FIB, Kratos Ultra DLD Auger/X-ray photoelectron spectrometer, and Bruker D8 Advance powder X-ray diffractometer with GAADS.

Center for Green Manufacturing

Director: Dr. Robin D. Rogers
Location: Shelby Hall

FT-IR w/ATR, Shimadzu HPLC, Cary UV-Vis, laser light scattering, and instrumentation for viscosity (Cambridge Viscosity VISCOLab 3000), density (Anton Paar Density Meter DMA 500), water content determinations (Mettler Toledo C20 Coulometric Karl Fisher Titrator), TA Instruments Digital Scanning Calorimetry, TA Instruments Thermal Gravimetric Analyses w/ Dycor mass spectrometer accessory, as well as state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (Siemens CCD area detector-equipped single crystal diffractometer with low-temperature capabilities).

Electromechanical Systems Lab (EMSyL)

Director: Dr. Tim Haskew

Focuses on high-power motion control and energy conversion system development and integration topics such as thrust vector control systems, flight surface control systems, renewable resource generation, and hybrid/electric vehicles. The facility houses state-of-the-art development, fabrication, prototyping, testing, and instrumentation equipment.  EMSyL research focuses on system integration and components of modern electromechanical devices and systems including power electronics, electric machinery, advanced energy storage, renewable resources, system-level control, and design optimization.

Engines and Combustion Lab

Director: Allen Loper
Location: South Engineering Research Center

The ECL consists of 11,000 square feet of high-bay space partitioned into six test cells, four instrument rooms between the test cells, two large workrooms, a central hallway, and substantial storage space. One large test cell houses a two-roller chassis dynamometer capable of measuring power output of front, rear, or four-wheel-drive vehicles up to 14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight and up to 350 hp per axle. The other large test cell houses an AC engine dynamometer rated at 650 hp and up to 1360 ft-lbf torque. Emissions equipment includes a dilution tunnel and five-gas emissions analyzers for raw and diluted samples, plus particulates, capable of handling the exhaust of a 650 hp diesel engine at full load.

Other available ECL instrumentation includes a fast-response Cambustion CLD500 NOx analyzer, fast-response TSI EEPS Particulate Spectrum and Number (PSN) analyzer, Thermo-Scientific REGA Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer with heated sample line, fast-response (1 ms/amu) V&F AIRSENSE mass spectrometer, Cambustion HFR400 Fast-FID hydrocarbon analyzer, Koehler Instruments K45000 distillation analyzer, and a gas chromatograph system for product-gas analysis. Laser-based diagnostic instruments available are several Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) systems, including a time-resolved stereoscopic PIV system, a standard, low-speed PIV system, and a TSI Volumetric 3-component Velocimetry (V3V) system for 3D velocity-field measurements. Also available is a high-speed TSI Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) system for time-resolved combustion species measurements.

Other optical diagnostic systems include a quantitative rainbow Schlieren apparatus for whole-field scalar measurements, Schlieren, shadowgraph, and holographic interferometry systems for spray and flame imaging, a Laser-Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) system for velocity and turbulence measurements, and a Phase-Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA) system for point measurements of drop size/velocity.

Integrative Center for Athletic and Sport Technology (I-CAST)

Director: Dr. Tim Haskew

The technical focus of I-CAST provides the possibility of rapid innovation that generates intellectual property that can reach the marketplace quickly, and not just for athletics. The technologies developed through I-CAST could potentially impact a wide variety of other applications and uses. The center is set up to respond to ideas from physicians, trainers and athletes needs quickly. Typical projects will involve at least two people, one representing the athletic or sports application and one representing the primary technology area used in the application

Large Scale Structures Laboratory (LSSL)

Director: Collin Sewell

The Large Scale Structures Laboratory (LSSL) includes a 40-ft x 75-ft strong floor with moveable and stackable reaction blocks that can be positioned anywhere on the floor to allow maximum flexibility for test configurations and a full suite of dynamically-rated servo-hydraulic actuators dare available ranging from 35 kips to 330 kips. The lab is equipped to conduct hybrid testing, including both seismic and wind response. A 10-ft x 10-ft x 10-ft soils pit is also housed within the LSSL. The centerpiece of the lab is a high-performance, uniaxial 12-ft x 13-ft earthquake simulation shake table with a maximum payload of 20 tons and a maximum acceleration of 1.2g.

Metal Casting and Solidification Research Facility

Director: Dr. Laurentiu Nastac

Involves sand, die, investment and centrifugal casting of metals and alloys including gray iron, steel, aluminum, magnesium, superalloys, copper and titanium. The Foundry is equipped with three induction furnaces for melting cast iron, steel, brass, bronze, and aluminum-based alloys. The capacity of these furnaces ranges from 50lb to 200lb. The foundry also houses a vacuum induction furnace with directional solidification capabilities for melting and casting superalloys that can produce up to 25-kilogram turbine components cast into ceramic-shell molds. Molding equipment and a core machine for making both green sand and pepset-based molds and cores are also located in the Foundry, as well as a sand-testing lab.

Precision Machining Laboratory

Director: Kevin Chu

Houses several machines including a Hardinge Cobra 42 CNC Turning Center, a Cincinnati Arrow 500 VMC CNC Milling Machine, a Tormax Model 13-5 ROMI Engine Lathe, and a Bridgeport Legend Series I Milling Machine. The lab also has a range of process monitoring capability such as a Kistler 3-axis dynamometer (9257B) for cutting force measurements, acoustic emission sensors for tool wear monitoring, as well as thermocouples for cutting tool temperatures.

Welding and Joining Laboratory

Director: Dr. Viola Acoff

Research in the Welding and Joining Laboratory at The University of Alabama focuses on the joining of advanced materials for aerospace and automotive applications. The Welding and Joining Lab is equipped with a Lincoln Square Wave TIG 355 Welder, a Thompson A-1 Spot Welder and a Stanat Model TA215 2-Roller Mill. The TIG 355 is used for TIG (GTAW) and stick (SMAW) welding processes within the recommended output capability of 2 to 400 amps on both AC and DC polarity.

UA Micro-Fabrication Facility

Director: Dr. Subhadra Gupta
NERC Cleanroom

The UA Micro-Fabrication Facility is a cleanroom facility that houses equipment for performing photolithography (Solitec 5110 Spinner, Karl Suss MA6 Mask Aligner), thin fim deposition (SFI Shamrock System, Denton Vacuum Explorer E-beam Evaporator, ST Systems PECVD), thin film etching (ST Systems Advanced Silicon Etcher, ST Systems Advanced Oxide Etcher, Intelvac Ion Mill, 4-Wave Ion Beam Etcher, Yield Engineering Systems YES-R3 Plasma Asher), and thin film metrology (Veeco Dektak V220-Si stylus profilometer, 4 Point Probe station, Zeiss Axioplan 2 optical microscope, Nanometrics Nanospec 212 Film Thickness Measurement System, Rudolph Auto-EL III ellipsometer). In addition, the facility owns a SHB Model 109 B-H looper and a magnetic annealing oven, both located in the Bevill building.

Wind and Water Tunnels

Director: Dr. John Baker

The University has a variety of Wind and Water Tunnel, including a closed-circuit, low-speed wind tunnel, an open-circuit, low-speed wind tunnel, a water tunnel, and two blow-down supersonic tunnels for fluid dynamic research. Instrumentation available includes volumetric 3-component velocimetry (V3V), digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV), laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), Schlieren, high-speed photography systems for optical diagnostics, in addition to hot-wire anemometry, pressure, and load measurement capabilities. The wind speeds achievable are 5-45 m/s in the low-speed wind tunnels, the water tunnel has 10-50 cm/s flow velocity range, and the supersonic tunnels have Mach 1.65-4 range. Tunnels can accommodate different size test articles. The subsonic tunnel test sections vary between 12″x36″ to 29″x44″ with 6 to 16 ft long test sections. The water tunnel has a 15″ x 30″ cross section and 9-foot length. Supersonic tunnels have two distinct cross sections one 3.5″ x 3.5″ and the other 6″x 6″. Research conducted in these tunnels includes shark skin drag reduction experiments, bio-inspired UAV wing design investigation, and shock-wave boundary layer interaction research among any other topics.

Human Environmental Sciences

Athletic Training Research Lab

Director: Lizzie Hibberd
Location: 0003 Moore Hall

The ATRL specializes in clinical outcomes research in the field of athletic training with the ultimate goal of improving athletic performance while decreasing the risk of injury in athletes of all ages. The ATRL is equipped with diagnostic ultrasound, high-speed video cameras, GoPro cameras, dynamometers, inclinometers, palpation meter, vernier calipers, and therapeutic exercise equipment.

Food and Nutrition Research Lab

Director: Dr. Kristi Crowe

The Food and Nutrition Research Lab specializes in investigating the influence of antioxidants consumed within the food matrix on inflammation and insulin sensitivity as well as the influence of environmental contaminants on nutrient retention in food.  As such, our lab is outfitted with the capacity to run numerous antioxidant testing methods including the proposed oxygen radical absorbance capacity testing of lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants in biological samples.  This method utilizes a FLUOstar OPTIMA microplate reader (BMG Labtech) with measurement principles utilizing fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence, absorbance, and luminescence.  As an analytical lab, we are equipped with ultra-low temperature storage freezers, centrifuges (ultra and micro), analytical balances, water baths, and other small equipment instrumental in sample preparation and analysis of food and biological samples.  Due to the importance of temperature control during storage of all biological samples, it should also be pointed out that the Research Lab is on a backup generator system for electricity in the case of a power outage.  Lastly, the research lab is also equipped with a computer dedicated to running the UA’s licensed version of the Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR).  A secondary computer is dedicated to running all statistical programs proposed for use in this study.

Judy Bonner Child Development Research Center

Location: Judy Bonner Child Development Research Center

The Judy Bonner Child Development Research Center (JBCDC) is a state-of-the-art, 64,000-square-foot research facility equipped with the latest multi-media research technology, seven large research suites, and eight research rooms with adjoining observation booths. Components include diagnostics, clinical treatment, prescribed interventions, demonstrated education, and empirical research contributing to the associated bodies of knowledge. The CDRC offers opportunities for CHES faculty and researchers across the University, state, region, and nation to conduct interdisciplinary research relating to children and families. Programs serve the childcare needs of families with young children, supply a demonstration center for University of Alabama students with a variety of majors, and provide training resources for parents and for childcare workers in several Alabama counties. The CDRC houses the Children’s Program, an NAEYC-accredited laboratory school enrolling up to 120 students ages two months to five years; as well as Child Development Resources, West Central Alabama′s resource for information about the well-being of young children, including management of a child care subsidy program, training for professional child care providers, child care resource and referral information, and parenting education and support programs.
Other programs that are housed in the CDRC include

  • Parenting Assistance Line (PAL), a service of the University of Alabama to provide helpful information on parenting issues to Alabama citizens via toll-free phone or written information
  • Capstone Family Therapy Clinic, a University and community service helping to resolve personal problems and to train graduate students specializing in marriage and family therapy
  • Pediatric Development Research Laboratory, a lab centered on research in children′s development from birth to 18 years of age and focused on mother/infant relationships
  • Child Life and Children’s Development, a lab examining the psychosocial issues affecting children and families in the medical setting
  • Capstone Family Therapy Clinic, a state-of-the-art facility for training therapists at the M.S. level. The clinic is staffed by individuals holding advanced degrees in Marriage & Family Therapy.

Social Work

Youth Services Institute

Director: Jill Beck, JD
921 Professional Plaza #106, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

The Youth Services Institute (YSI) implements multiple programs that address the needs of specialized groups of adolescents who are involved in the juvenile justice system in Alabama. In addition, YSI provides technical support to the Alabama Department of Youth Services through the facilitation of the request for proposals process, annual assessments, grant writing, and other activities as requested. YSI also provides opportunities for UA students in multiple disciplines to gain experience with juvenile justice populations in their chosen field.