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Research & Economic Development ORED Offices Make a Gift
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Research ASSIST Office

LEAP Program

The Large Equipment Acquisition Program provides matching funds for the purchase of major capital research equipment to enhance research infrastructure; to facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration and innovation; to build research capacity to advance innovation and discovery; to provide equipment access across departments for broader research impact that aligns with strategic research priorities.

While all major capital research equipment will be considered, in the current review cycle, fully or partially autonomous systems or other equipment with a strong emphasis on automated, high-throughput, and Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning guided components are of particular interest.

Timeline and Key Dates

  • Due Date:  Before 5:00 p.m. Central on March 31, 2025
    • Accommodations for late and/or incomplete proposals are not available.
  • Proposal Review Period:  April 1 – May 15, 2025
  • Decisions Announced:  May 31, 2025
  • Period of Performance:  June 1 – September 30, 2025


Full-time tenured, tenure-track, renewable contract, clinical, and clinical-track faculty members are eligible to apply. Equipment should be accessible to multiple users, departments, or research teams, when feasible, and aligned with institutional or national research goals.


ORED anticipates awarding approximately three LEAP projects in Spring 2025, subject to availability of funds.


Format:  8.5” x 11”; single spaced; size 11 Times New Roman font; one-inch margins on all sides.

Abstract:  In no more than half a page, describe the project’s broad significance, proposed activities, and intended outcomes.

Narrative:  In no more than two pages, provide a descriptive narrative enabling cognizant reviewers to evaluate the merits of the project using the following criteria:

  • Project Title and Overview. Brief description of the equipment and intended research uses. The equipment price should be stated here as well.
  • Justification. Explanation of the need for the equipment, anticipated research outcomes, and alignment with university research objectives.
  • Collaborators and Usage Plan: List primary and secondary users (up to 10 total) and departmental affiliations and outline the plan for shared access and interdepartmental collaboration.
  • Sustainability Plan: Detailed plan for long-term maintenance, operational costs, and shared usage across departments. This plan should clearly outline how the equipment will be sustainably managed over time.
  • Impact: Description of anticipated impacts on research, graduate student and postdoctoral training, and potential for external funding.

Budget: Proposals must request a single piece of equipment of $100,000 or more. A 1:1 matching requirement is required (i.e., the request for ORED support must be at least $50,000). Funds must be expended prior to the conclusion of the fiscal year; carry-forward into the following fiscal year is not available (i.e., no-cost extensions will not be granted). All awarded equipment will become part of the university’s inventory and subject to periodic review to maximize impact and utilization.

References (Optional): References are strongly encouraged but not a requirement.  (one page limit – does not count against narrative page limit)

Supplementary Documents uploaded via InfoReady

  • Vendor Quote(s): Proposers must submit a representative vendor quote. Proposals submitted without a quote will be returned without review.
  • Letter(s) of Commitment: Proposers must document commitment of matching funds via one or more Letters of Commitment using the below template. Proposals submitted without documentation of matching support will be returned without review.

Sample Letter


Dr. Bryan Boudouris

Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Re: Cost share commitment for LEAP

Dear Dr. Boudouris:

If Dr. XXX XXX’s Large Equipment Acquisition Program (LEAP) proposal is selected for funding, I agree to provide required cost share in the amount of $XX,XXX.
