Dr. Bryan Boudouris

Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
(205) 348-4566
- BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004
- PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2009
Bryan Boudouris joined The University of Alabama on April 1, 2024, as the Vice President for Research & Economic Development and a Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering.
He joined the Capstone after rising through the ranks at Purdue University where he started as an assistant professor before departing as the R. Norris and Eleanor Shreve Professor of Chemical Engineering and the Associate Vice President for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research. During his time as a faculty member at Purdue, he spent two years as a program director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) in the Division of Materials Research (DMR). Since starting his independent career in 2011, he has been the recipient of a number of awards including the AFOSR YIP award, the DARPA YFA, the NSF CAREER Award, the AIChE Owens Corning Early Career Award, the Saville Lectureship at Princeton University, and the John H. Dillon Medal from the APS.
His research interests focus on materials science with an emphasis on polymer chemistry and polymer physics. The application spaces touched by these fundamental efforts span from those associated with next-generation quantum materials through water purification and to materials for national security arenas.
Selected Publications
- “Anomalous Magnetoresistance in a Nonconjugated Radical Polymer Glass,” Akkiraju, S.; Gilley, D.; Savoie, B. M.; Boudouris, B. W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2023, 120, e2308741120.
- “Tailoring Molecular-Scale Contact at Perovskite/Polymeric Hole-Transporting Material Interface for Efficient Solar Cells,” Sun, J.; Ma, K.; Tang, Y.; Varadharajan, D.; Chen, A. X.; Atapattu, H. R.; Lee, Y. H.; Chen, K.; Boudouris, B. W.; Graham, K. R.; Lipomi, D. J.; Mei, J.; Savoie, B. M.; Dou, L. Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2300647.
- “Smart Soft Contact Lenses for Continuous 24-hour Monitoring of Intraocular Pressure in Glaucoma Care,” Zhang, J.; Kim, K;, Kim, H. J.; Schneider, D. M.; Park, W.; Lee, S. A.; Dai, Y.; Kim, B.; Moon, H.; Shah, J. V.; Harris, K. E.; Collar, B.; Liu, K.; Irazoqui, P.; Lee, H.; Park, S. A.; Kollbaum, P. S.; Boudouris, B. W.; Lee, C. H. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 5518.
- “Electronic and Spintronic Open-Shell Macromolecules, Quo Vadis?,” Tan, Y.; Hsu, S.-N.; Tahir, H.; Dou, L.; Savoie, B. M.; Boudouris, B. W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 626-647.
- “A Nonconjugated Radical Polymer Glass with High Electrical Conductivity,” Joo, Y.; Agarkar, V.; Sung, S. H.; Savoie, B. M.; Boudouris, B. W. Science 2018, 359, 1391-1395.
Awards and Honors
- APS John H. Dillon Medal, 2021
- AIChE Owens Corning Early Career Award, 2020
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award, 2016
- DARPA Young Faculty Award, 2012
- AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program Award, 2012